Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WTF is wrong with me?

I'm just trying to plan a trip with friends and it's a total cluster fuck (CF). Nothing is going according to plan. One friend may be backing out. Housing is up in the air. Budget's an issue. And I am the only one freaking out.

So the point of this rant is --- a) (potentially) flaky friends and b) WTF am I getting so stressed out over this.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friends...are they worth it?

Fuck friends who try to play God and screw everything up. So now this so-called friend has made things considerably worse than before. CASE CLOSED.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Inactive Friend...

So this particular post is directed at a friend of mine, ironically enough, at his suggestion (go figure)...

This friend of mine is moving to IOWA, yes, IOWA. The land of butter sculptures. Anyway, he's leaving in a week and I want to create pleasant urban memories for him. And how does he respond to my efforts? 

"I'm moving. I need to pack." Umm, your gchat status has been "packing" for over a week now. What's the deal? And besides a few hours out of your Thursday night is nothing. How can you miss the opportunity to hang out in SF? You won't be living near a city where you're going. The closest real city is Chicago and that's a three hour drive away. Think of this as a picture taking opportunity. Pictures of YOU in a REAL city. Won't be happening 'til you come back or go to Chicago. Think about it...

So are you looking forward to IOWA? That's butter sculpted cow was AWESOME!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back that ass up

This may come off as a rather weird post. But that's alright. But it's so noticeable that even though I may not have talked about it with other people, other people must have noticed, right?

So I was walking around Berkeley last week enjoying the sunny weather, when low and behold, what do I see? Some girl walk past me shaking her ass. And it made me wonder, why do so many of my gender do that? I mean she wasn't dancing, it was more like a real wiggly walk. You know? 

But it just looks really, really stupid. Is something wrong with their hips? Are they trying to attract some guy's attention? Are they deliberately trying to annoy me? (Apparently yes they are...). All I want to know is --- whatever happened to walking in a straight line? Kids these days.

But please tell me a) I am not the only one to have noticed this phenomena and b) tell me that I am not the only person annoyed by it. PLEASE.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What is wrong with me today?

Though the day is young, I have nothing to bitch about! This is very strange. Very strange, indeed. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I couldn't even come up with a topic to rant about...

...so I've decided to bitch about not having anything to bitch about. Quite exciting, right? I mean, I never thought it would be this hard to come up with something to rant about. People by their very nature are annoying. Something, anything should have annoyed me by now. 

Oh well, never fear, there is hope yet! I'm going to a Giants game tonight so I am sure that there will be much fodder there...

So until then, PEACE OUT.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Smashed? What does it mean?

To preface this post...I got a touch inebriated a couple of Thursdays ago. Some would even go so far as to say I was drunk. And I wouldn't necessarily deny it (as I had to be helped home). Though I much prefer the terminology "excessively inebriated."

The point of this post is that a friend of mine called my condition "smashed." Really? When I think of smashed I think of a loud drunk. I was most definitely NOT loud. Ask anyone there. Demanding perhaps. Adament that my purse not leave my other friend's possession. Ordering people to dance. But "smashed"? Nope. 

Or am I just in my own world here??

So in conclusion, I was EXCESSIVELY INEBRIATED and NOT smashed, thank you very much.

Fuck my life...Part Deux

P.P.P.S. I feel a bit used. As if I was an excuse to get out of a shitty living situation.

P.P.P.P.S. I have come to the profound conclusion that you are on your own in life and cannot count on people. Don't rely on anyone and you are good to go.

END OF TOPIC, bitches.